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Centaur has invested extensive resources to create both our own bond and fund platforms, which allows flexibility when creating bespoke investments for clients or other divisions of the Centaur Group.



Centaur also has the experience, resources and capabilities to tailor investments for specific clients of other divisions of the Centaur Group either as debt instruments (i.e bonds) or fund type structures dependent upon the client’s, or our own requirements and the underlying asset class, investment timeframe, investment goals and any regulatory requirements.

Centaur also has the ability to create bespoke and private equity investment products as ‘direct cash’ investments and/or in compliance with regulatory requirements, trustee requirements, pension or life insurance ‘wrapper’ requirements and/or custodian requirements.

The Centaur bespoke and private equity investment product service is generally only available to investors committing $5m USD and above.






A European Asset Management company (the “Company”) contacted us initially with an interest in investing into an existing Centaur open-ended fund, the Phoenix Legal Financing Fund I, through the ‘Institutional’ share class. After various meetings, discussions and analysis regarding the investment profile of the Phoenix Legal Financing Fund I, and the Company’s requirements, it became clear that the Company was seeking a greater risk/return profile than was structured within the Phoenix Legal Financing Fund I.

The Company had the opportunity and a preference to commit capital for a longer term (5 years +) and did not require the ability to be able to ‘redeem’ or ‘exit’ the proposed investment early. We worked with the Company to create a ‘bespoke’ closed-ended fund to meet the Company’s investment goals and objectives with a 5-year term, and managed by Centaur Asset Management as the Investment Manager. The final closed-ended fund created for the Company shares a lot of similarities with the Phoenix Legal Financing Fund I in terms of the asset class and service providers.

The increased exposure to ‘risk’ and the potentially higher returns sought by the Company have been provided by adjusting the insurance component as compared to the Phoenix Legal Financing Fund I and also through the option to commit to longer term, higher return investments as the closed-ended funds are committed for a longer period of time.



Centaur has the ability to structure bespoke open and closed ended fund solutions and listed or unlisted debt instruments or ‘bonds’ on our fund and bond platforms for HNW investors and institutions.


Centaur works with several international service providers ranging from listing agents, law firms, paying agents and auditors to bring together strong and credible investor propositions for both bonds and funds.


Centaur has historically focused on alternative asset classes, which seek returns uncorrelated to the financial markets. Centaur’s award winning funds, bonds and investment and strategies have been consistently recognized by third party awards.